This is a *SCHEMATIC*
Pins not listed are unused/floating.
Component list: 
  ATmega328, LCD (HD44780), Light-Dependant Resistor
  Push-button normally open (x2), 
  Resistor 10k Ohm (x3),
  0.1uF capacitor (x2), 10kOhm potentiometer
  16MHz crystal.
                 "Loquino" - Mark Wilson, 2011
[*]-[+5V]        +-----------+                    +---------+
[*]-[GND]        |  ATmega   |            [GND]---+GND(#1)  |
[*]--------------+RST(#1)  A5+----<LDR>   [+5V]---+VDD      |
[*]--------------+RX       A4|            <Pot>---+V0       |
[*]--------------+TX       A3|       +------------+RS       |
<SW1>------------+D2       A2+-------+    [GND]---+R/W      |
<SW2>------------+D3       A1|          +---------+E        |
[+5V]---+-----+  |D4       A0+----------+         |         |
   |.1uF|     +--+VCC     GND+---+-----[GND]      |   LCD   |
[GND]---+--------+GND    AREF|   |.1uF|           |         |
      [XTAL1]----+XT1    AVCC+---+-----[+5V]      |         |
      [XTAL2]----+XT2     D13+--------------------+D4       |
                 |D5      D12+--------------------+D5       |
                 |D6      D11+---,        +-------+D6       |
                 |D7      D10+------------+  +----+D7       |
                 |D8       D9+---------------+    |         | 
                 |           |   '----------------+A(#15)   |
                 +-----------+            [GND]---+K        |
                   _  (Push-button, Normally Open)
                  + +
--<SWx> is   --+--+ +----[+5V]

--<Pot> is   --[Wiper]-+

--<LDR> is   --+--[LDR]---[+5V]

[*]'s are a 5-pin header for re-programming.

Note 0.1uF cap across +5V and GNDs
ATmega pin D10 (PWM) is connected to LCD's pin #15 (backlight)